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Ozzy is a Black Tri Australian Shepherd with great expression as well as 1000s of hours of training, and many hours and years of animal acting, modeling and branding for companies. He can do almost any trick you can think of, hold positions, and more. Commands & Tricks: Sit, Down, Stay Walk on loose Leash & Off leash Recall to his name or acting name Back up Bed Paws Up (and hold position) Spin Hop (and spin at the same time) Pick up & Retrieve Items Speak & Whisper Shake/High 5 Drink water (when commanded) Dig and more! Ozzy is also very willing to wear shoes, coats, hats, glasses and more! He has his AKC Trick Dog Performer Title, CGC, Temperament Test, and many more performance and obedience titles. He is also a Service Dog and very well rounded and a seasoned traveler. We are willing to travel for large productions/movies.
Australian Shepherd
- Search typeAnimals
- Certified Animal Actor RatingsNot Certified
- Black
- White
- Beige or Tan
- Medium
- Large
- Beautiful model animal
- Scary looking or intimidating
- Cute
- Fluffy
- Family friendly look